Saturday, 8 November 2008


The epilepsy logo i think is so effective, its in a speech mark and the use of symbols to still spell the word epilepsy is clever.My sister has epilepsy and i think they have observed cleverly how people feel about it, people don't understand what it is and what to do if somebody starts fitting!

I was looking through the book" Logo" by Michael Evamy, its basically a book that is full of logo design, some for big brand companies, others for smaller companies,only a few stood out to me, i picked the shelter logo because i think it is so simple yet so effective, the use of a house for the letter H works perfectly yet it such a simple idea.
The next logo was for a company thet ran piano lessons, i think the use of type to create image is wgat had grabbed my intention, again its really simple and really effective.

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